Posted by Alessandra on Wednesday Feb 18, 2015
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes

2 cloves Garlic
1/2 Onion (diced)
2 T Olive Oil or butter
2 lbs (or more if prefer)of Beef Tenderloin (you may use other type of meat)- cut into chunks
Salt and pepper to taste
2 (8 ounce) cans of Tomato Sauce
1/2 measure of tomato sauce can of Water
1 can Sliced Mushroom (optional)
2 T Worcestershire sauce
1 T ketchup
1 t mustard
Green Onion and parsley (to taste)
1 can Table Cream
In a sauce pan, add oil, onion and garlic. Saute until onion is translucent. Add beef chunks, salt and pepper. Let it cook. Then add tomato sauce, water, mushrooms, Worcestershire sauce, ketchup and mustard . Simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Add and green onions and parsley. Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.
Turn off the heat and add the table cream.

Mix well and it is done!

In Brazil we serve Beef Stroganoff with rice and batata palha. (thin potato chips). If I don’t have any batata palha take some Ruffles Chips and smash it a little. Sprinkle on top 😀
I have also found this at my local Smiths Grocery Store!!! These are a little thicker than the ones in Brasil.

Posted by Alessandra on Sunday Nov 2, 2014
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes
We came across this cut of meat and I had to come up with a recipe. It is super easy and fast to make. You can serve it as a main dish or cut in small portions for appetizers. Just ask your butcher to cut the short ribs in a long but thin strips (almost as thin as thick bacon)

Make the marinade:
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/3 c olive oil
3 T soy sauce
A good chunk of fresh Ginger (finely shredded)
Mix inside of a zip lock bag and add the slices of meat (about 12 slices or as much as the bag can hold)
Marinate about 1 hr
Put on top of wired sheet at 500 F (or on broil) for 5 minutes each side. Watch it closely, since the meat is so thin and the oven is super hot it cooks fast. It may also make a little bit of smoke because of the sugar in the marinade.
Sprinkle parsley on top (optional)
Posted by Alessandra on Sunday Apr 1, 2012
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes

Cake for dinner? I wish, but not today. A classic April Fool’s Day, meatloaf cake.
For the meat loaf recipe click here: Brazilian Meat Loaf
For the cake. I used an 8 inch cake pan. Arranged 2 pieces of bacon around it. Lining the bottom and sides of pan. Then pressed some of the ground beef (like a big hamburger patty) on the bottom and a thin layer to the sides.
Added the filling: ham, cheese, boiled egg and carrots.

Covered with another layer of ground beef (thin)
2nd Filling: Salami and Cheese
Another layer of ground beef
Filling: Ham, cheese, boiled egg and carrots
Finally the last layer of ground beef.
Bake at 375 for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. When done I “frosted” it with mashed potatoes 😀
It was a fun dinner!

Posted by Alessandra on Thursday Nov 4, 2010
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes, Main Dish

I used to eat Okra a lot in Brasil. It is difficult for me to find it fresh in the markets around where I live, but you can easily find it cut and frozen at the frozen isle of the supermarket. My mom couldn’t believe that you could buy pre-cut Okra here in the US. Okra can be a bit slimy when you start to cut it. So, if you can get that step done for you, even better. One of my favorite dishes to eat with Okra is the famous Quiabo (okra) com (with) carne moida (ground beef). It is a common lunch option in Brasil. Hope you like it!
For the Okra:
8-10 fresh medium sized okra (or use a 10-12 oz bag)
1/4 cup chopped onions
2 T olive oil
1/2 fresh lime (juiced)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Sautee the onions with the oil. Add the cut Okra and sautee them for about 5 minutes. Season with the salt and pepper. You may notice that it might become a little slimy. Just don’t worry about it! After the Okra is soften and has a nice color, squeeze the lime juice on top of them and give it a quick mix.

For the Ground Beef:
1 lb ground beef
1/2 c chopped onions
3 clothes garlic (minced)
1 t salt
2 T oil
2 T green onions
Sautee the 1/2 c of onion with the oil. Add chopped garlic. Cook for about 1 minute, add the ground beef, salt and pepper. Cook until ground beef is done. Taste for seasoning. If needed add more salt. Top with the chopped green onions.

Now, you just need to mix the cooked Okra with the ground beef. Serve it on top of rice!
Posted by Alessandra on Friday Jul 9, 2010
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes
I had a lot of fun at the Studio 4, Good Things Utah show today. They are so nice and they make you feel right at home.

We made the Brazilian style meat loaf on the show. It is one of the dishes I love because it is so easy to make and you can use your creativity. You can change the ingredients to your liking. Here is the recipe:
- 2 lb ground beef
- 1 pkg Lipton onion soup mix
- 1 large carrot
- 2 boiled eggs
- 6-8 slices of ham
- 4 ounces shredded cheese (mozzarella or cheddar)
- 1 T mayo
- 3- 4 strips of bacon
- Oil (just enough to spread on your hands)
Mix onion soup mix and ground beef together, set aside.

Put a large sheet of plastic wrap on the counter, and lightly coat it with oil. Then, use your hands to gently open the meat mixture. (Just like you would for thin hamburgers.) It should be shaped into a 13×18 rectangle. You may need to rub a little oil on your hands to make it easier to spread the meat. You want a nice thin layer.

Then top it with the ham slices, carrots, sliced eggs and cheese. Starting with the side closest to you, roll the meat. Use the plastic to help you form the loaf.

Transfer it to a cookie sheet (lined with foil). Spread the mayo on top. Add strips of bacon over the top, wrapping around the sides of the loaf. Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes (or until fully cooked).

Options: You can fill the loaf with any type of fillings. Here are some ideas: Spinach and cream cheese; 3 cheeses; prosciutto artichoke hearts and brie; vegetables (green peppers, red peppers, carrots, spinach, olives); all meat (ham, pepperoni and sausage).
Another option is to use ground chicken, sausage or turkey instead of beef.
Serve options:Brazilian Rice, green salad, and/or vegetables
Posted by Alessandra on Wednesday May 26, 2010
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes, Main Dish, Vegetables

1 lb Ground Beef
1 T Olive Oil
1/2 Onion diced
2 clothes Garlic (minced)
Salt and Pepper
1 cup cooked Rice (I used brown rice)
1/2 cup cooked Corn
1/4 c Shredded Parmesan Cheese (optional)
1 can diced Tomatoes
2 T Green Onions (cut)
Parmesan Cheese Shavings
4-6 Green Pepper (depends on the size)
Cut Peppers length wise, remove the seeds found on the inside. Wash it very well. Set them inside of a baking dish.

Season the peppers with a little salt and pepper. I like to open the tomato can and pour the juices on the bottom of the baking dish. Set aside.
Brown ground beef with onions, garlic and oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.
In a mixing bowl, rice, beef, corn, shredded Parmesan,tomatoes and green onions.

Fill each pepper with this mixture. Bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes. Or until peppers looks cooked.

Top with Parmesan Shavings and enjoy!
Posted by Alessandra on Friday May 7, 2010
Filed under :Beef, Brazilian Recipes

1 (6 oz) log of President brie (click here for $3 off coupon)
1/2 c shredded cheese (cheddar, or parmesan)
1 t Italian Seasoning
8 thin slices of london broil (you can also use chicken)
4 slices of Prosciutto
Salt and Pepper
Oil to brown the beef
Microwave brie for about 1- 1 1/2 minutes. You just want to soften it a little bit. Add shredded cheese and Italian Seasoning. Set aside.
I like to put all the meat side by side, salt and pepper thin slices of beef. Then top with half slice of Prosciutto and about 1 Tablespoon of cheese mixture. Roll it tight and secure it with a tooth pick.

Fry the meat rolls in a frying pan with a little splash of oil Since the beef is so thin it won’t require much time. You just want to give a little color to the outside. I would say between 2 or 3 minutes per side. Put meat rolls into a oven safe dish and bake for about 20 minutes at 250 degrees.

Don’t forget to take tooth pick out before you eat it 😀 Enjoy!

Posted by Alessandra on Wednesday Mar 24, 2010
Filed under :Beef

1 lb ribeye steaks (sliced thin)
¼ c soy sauce
2 t sugar
1 t sesame oil
1 t vinegar
2 garlic clothes (minced)
1 t minced ginger
2 t red pepper flakes (if you don’t like spicy food only use 1 t)
Mix all ingredients. Slice meat thin, and marinate on the sauce for about 30 minutes.
In a HOT frying pan with a little bit of oil, add beef , cook rapidly . Top with green onions,and toasted sesame seeds.
Posted by Alessandra on Tuesday Mar 9, 2010
Filed under :Beef
2 T Beef Broth or Water
2 Potatoes
1 Pkg. Onion Soup Mix
2 Carrots
1 Celery
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1.5 lb Steak (cut about 1 inch thick)
option: add other vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers…
Place meat in the middle of aluminum foil

Mix, onion soup mix and can mushroom soup. Spread it on top of the meat.
Top with vegetables

Poor the water or beef broth and close the foil. Make sure to pinch the edges very well. Bake for about 1 1/2 – 2 hours at 375. I put it in a cookie sheet, just in case the juices come out. When it is done, wait about 10 minutes then open the foil. Be careful with the steam. Enjoy!

Posted by Alessandra on Wednesday Feb 17, 2010
Filed under :Beef

2-3 Lb Beef tenderloin
16 ounces of mushrooms
4 slices Prosciutto
Mustard for brushing meat
1 puff pastry sheet
1 egg
2 Clove garlic, crushed
1 Onion, diced
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
Sear beef- seasoned with salt and pepper and slightly fry it on top, bottom and sides. (not to cook, only to give color)
Set beef aside to cool for about 10 minutes
Make the mushroom paste:
- Heat some olive oil in a sauce pan, add onions, garlic and cook for a bit. Then add mushroom. Let it cook until all the mushroom water evaporates. Add parsley and seasonings (salt/pepper)
- Take mushroom to the food processor, process just a bit.
- For individual Wellingtons: Open the puff pastry, spread a little bit of mustard on beef fillet, place it on the middle of pastry. Top fillet with the mushroom stuffing. Wrap fillet with the Prosciutto (side and top). Season with a little salt and pepper. Then wrap the pastry tucking in the sides – cut extra dough. (can brush with egg wash to help dough stick). Glaze with egg wash.
- For big Wellington: Use a film paper, line the Prosciutto on it, then top Prosciutto with mushroom mixture, then put the beef (spread a little mustard on the meat) on the center and roll with help of the film paper. Very tight. Chill for 20 minutes. Then open pasty put the rolled beef (without the plastic) in the middle. Make sure to egg wash the pastry so sides stick together. Chill for 5 minutes. Glaze with egg wash and bake.
- Put Wellington in a baking dish (spread olive oil in the bottom of dish). Bake it at 350 for about 30-40 minutes for medium rare. (145 °F in the center of meat) Rest for about 10 minutes before cutting it.